Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Last nights randomness

Now I didn't want this blog to be a dream diary but it is sort of turning out that way. It was such an exciting dream and I was so disappointed when it turned out to be my head fucking with me.


So there is a shop and Ben and I decide to go into it, it has very little rooms on different levels and is just full of stuff. It was beautiful. So we were looking round and Benny found some things that he wanted to buy. He did so and we continued to look around, I'd heard that this shop sold BJDs so I was looking everywhere for them. I finally find a tiny Unoa kit for £250.49.

I wanted an MSD sized Unoa so I was a bit disappointed, not that I could ever afford one. So Ben went down to pay for his thing and I asked the cashier if they had any MSD Unoas. She said yes and that she would get someone to fetch one. It was £449.50. They then put it in the bag with everything else and Ben and I moved on to go and see his Grandad.

When we arrived home, I sat in the middle of the floor (the house wasn't our house it was Dad's.) I began to open the box then I said, "you don't think they charged you for this did they?" Ben then tried to use my Iphone to access his internet banking, it wouldn't work. Then I woke up.

Some underlying interperetation to be done, something along the lines of dolls are going to undo all the hard work I've done with saving money. Tis true.

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