So I thought after the disaster of the Torchwood post I thought I would share something interesting and a huge deal less geeky... hang on, screw the less geeky bit this is more geeky.
So Dolls, the two I currently have with me are:
Fabian (DZ Mo) - Blonde haired, blue eyed future boy, from the..uh.. future. See a few posts down for the exact year, I forget. Pulled here by that Hadron collider thingy, no end of the world but a future boy instead. Wahey.
Samael (DZ Sheep) - Narcoleptic Necromancer Sheep. Nuff Said.
The one on his way is:
Cahal Raclaw (Lati blue boy Rucas) - Medieval Assassin. Back story is currently very limited although I am looking forward to building it, anyone who wishes to help me build it, either through roleplay, doll stories (slash or no slash, he's not fussed and nor am I) or just through a little chat.
The ones I want:
Rae (MNF Fairyland Aline boy either Lishe or Carl) - Still haven't decided on this boy I know who he is and what he will do. I know the wig I want and the eyes I want, just don't know which head. His storyline is going to be a bit of a secret but will involve Fabian. Whoop.
Olivia - Not sure which doll I want because I find girl dolls ugly as hell. Quite like the MNF girls (a-line, natch) and love the new Lati red girls but I'm still working out this girl, her back story and her appearance. TBH I have a name, this is all. If someone can point me in the direction of a harcore, awesome looking girl I'd be greatful. I'm still new to this doll thing.
Brenton Moore - Detective. Also more of an idea, no idea which model would fit with him, he'd a drugged up Detective who's a bit crooked and a fair bit older than any doll models would suit. Once again, a shove in the right direction would be appreciated.
Any doll loving friends I can make would be great, I see the relationships Davey's and Lulu's kids have and I want that I want to exchange sexy angsty messages doll to doll. :( *is jealous*
Anyways, Fabian has a new wig on the way, his DZ default one is so shoddily made it is unbelievable so I shelled out $35 on a new one for him and one for Cahal. Never had to cut a wig before so it will be interesting.
Much love to you all. Expect many a picture when the new boy arrives and by posting this I've had about five new ideas for characters, thanks.
Music, Drama and Ranting. Exactly what you will find here. If you want an insight into the weird head of someone who is actually a bit fucked up but doesn't show it then you've come to the right place.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Monday, 27 October 2008
Torchwood - A shameless slash post.

So, Torchwood, slashiest show ever. Without being a gay show it's so gay, wonderfully gay. As someone who loves slash this show is a godsend and it's a Doctor who spin off aaaand John Barrowman.
So slash aside, why do I like this show? It has some good storylines and baddies and action scenes.
Oh fuck it, just look at the pictures, I'm too distracted now.
(Go Jet the writer. Awesome writing there)
The pictures in this post need crediting to Smirnoff Mule at Livejournal. Link to the full post: http://smirnoffmule.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Hotleg - Soultree, Cambridge - 22/10/08

I am a Darkling through and through so naturally I was devastated at Frankie leaving and in the end the band breaking up. Then I am greeted with a new band, The Stone Gods, who I like. They are a nu-classic rock band (if that is even a genre) I thought they were the best thing, it was like having the Darkness back but heavier! Then Justin comes along with a new band, Hotleg and once again I am blown away.
Because Justin has such a distinctive voice Hotleg have that Darknessy aspect but the instruments are much heavier, making me a very happy Jet. All in all I think I love this band.
cool music,
jet's favourite band,
justin hawkins,
six sister,
Sunday, 19 October 2008
The t-shirt below is from the above website, beautiful clothing there, bright colours, bold prints, everyone can find something they love at Please let me know if you look!

Saturday, 18 October 2008
Fabian's First Photostory.
Fabian is from the future, below is the beginning of the documentation we have uncovered from him about how he got here.
In 2698 the world is very very different, the earth is in ruins and shadowed by a sky station, a place where the humans live. Everyone is assigned to their own quarter although some people are deemed better than others. Fabain, being a business man was kicked out of his home for a Surgeon, the surgeon then wound up with a bullet wound through his head. Fabian, rightly, was picked out to be the main suspect.
Tied. Ready to be taken away for the murder of the man that had him thrown out of his house.
He was more than reluctant to be taken away..
So decided to form a plan...
Despite the tight trousers he had been hiding a gun, a quick wave of it about and a few shots and he go away.
Don't mess with a blonde business man with a gun.
Unfortunately a bullet also hit one of the cops and this meant he was more wanted than ever, he had to run, there was nothing he could do.
In 2698 the world is very very different, the earth is in ruins and shadowed by a sky station, a place where the humans live. Everyone is assigned to their own quarter although some people are deemed better than others. Fabain, being a business man was kicked out of his home for a Surgeon, the surgeon then wound up with a bullet wound through his head. Fabian, rightly, was picked out to be the main suspect.
Unfortunately a bullet also hit one of the cops and this meant he was more wanted than ever, he had to run, there was nothing he could do.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
House MD: House/Wilson

I'm not going to go too into detail just in case there are some who haven't seen the new Episode (S5E4) however, don't read on if you are avoiding spoilers like the plauge.
Okay so for those of you that are still here; the whole House/Wilson thing just warms my heart. Slash aside, what a wonderfully fucked up yet beautiful friendship they have. Seeing this new episode makes me realised what wonderful characterisation the writers of the show have put into it. It's extremely hard to explain but they are both so complex, certainly not flat, linear characters. It's great to have such complexity, despite House's obvious issues, he's a loveable character because he speaks his mind like we all want to sometimes, he's delightfully intelligent, (gorgeous), (Hugh Laurie) and we also pity him just enough that we know he wouldn't want us to and not so much that we think he's pathetic.
This sort of complexity is rarely seen in television programmes, I'm not saying that every other show is rubbish, I'm just stating that Characterisation in House MD is bloody genious.
Wilson is also beautifully complex, he isn't like every other TV character out there, he has issues and that is wonderful. How many characters can you name that base their relationships on the neediness of the people around them and have real issues letting go yet are so firey and wonderful.
I really do have a great love in my heart for their relationship, even is House is an unfeeling person you can see in everyway that he adores what he has with Wilson and certainly wasn't set on letting it go, yet he was torn with the idea of having to show some feeling to get him back. Wilson walked straight into all this, just being around House meant manipulation to the highest degree, House knew he would get what he wanted and it worked.
On a more realistic note the characterisation is perfect in terms of psychology; people like that, with those issues and in those situations would react in such a way. Beacause Wilson is so calm yet passionate it is only correct that it would take him time to lose his temper but when he does it is full of feeling and emotion. House, because he doesn't like to show any emotion yet deep down harbours enough to drown himself in misery, is going to be a complete cock to manipulate the person he knows so well simply because he's in the perfect position to do so. He wants Wilson back enough to make him hate him for just a little while until Wilson can admit that what he has with House is actually quite special and deep even if it's never talked about.
If you've read this with no idea what I am on about then watch House MD. Fabulous medical drama staring our own (that's us being the Brits) Hugh Laurie as Gregory House.

gregory house,
house md,
hugh laurie,
james wilson,
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Nemo: Your new favourite band! (Free songs)
Listen up Electro fans, you can get your hands on a free track from the geniuses at are Nemo. Some of you may already know them from The Mighty Boosh as lead singer James Cook has appeared in a few of the episodes, you also may have heard of them if you know anything about proper Electro. So past, current and future fans head over to Nemo’s website to get your hands on a free track, and there’s one a week! Be sure to sign up to the news letter so you don’t miss out.
Future fans be wary of awesome electric sounds, fabulous vocals and the fact that these guys might just become your new favourite band.
best band ever,
free mp3,
free songs,
jet's favourite band,
mighty boosh,
Friday, 3 October 2008
He's home. He's been gone a long, old week. And I've missed him greatly. I've had some good bonding with the lovely work ladies but I need my Benny back!!
Can't wait to see him. He's gonna get lots of cuddles. Snuggly hot bag.
*loves Ben a lot more than he loves her*
I'm obsessed.
Can't wait to see him. He's gonna get lots of cuddles. Snuggly hot bag.
*loves Ben a lot more than he loves her*
I'm obsessed.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Why my mum is fucking awesome and why i love her.
She's beyond awesome. Anyone who has read this blog knows of my Doll obession and how much I love my kids. Anyways, upon mentioning to my mother how I wanted to learn to sew because of the doll thing she has made it her goal in life to make the most awesome clothes ever.
When i was younger she used to make clothes for mt barbies, for me as well as mending anything (darning socks etc). So she's a bit better than myself at this sewing malarkey. She took Fabian's (he's the blondie, future bitch of a doll) measurments and a pair of trousers I had roughly sewn (rough being the word here). She made these trousers in to better, tighter beauties, as well as making him some jogging bottoms and a t-shirt.
A conversation with her today revealled she's printed off loads of patterns, lectured me about buying MSDs instead of SDs because they are harder to find clothes for.
I then ask her.
"I think I've converted you, you are tempted to get one"
Came her answer
"But if I did, Fabian wouldn't get any clothes"
So if she wants to buy me a female SD she is more than welcome to. Christmas time is coming up.
I love my Mummy so much, she is the most awesome person I have ever met.
Mummy i wuv you
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