Tuesday 18 May 2010

John Barrowman, Scott Mills and meat

I'd heard on the radio that Radio 1 would be giving away stuff on a first come, first served basis at various spots around the UK. I was driving around away from work only to learn that I'd be driving past one of these spots. It was good timing as I pulled up and Scott Mills greeted me.

He then handed me some Kobe beef steak, a lamb joint and yoghurt. He then went to the side of the road and continued with his show. A random collection of things but I was very happy with it. Very excited about finally trying Kobe beef.

Got it home and put it all in the fridge. I then left my house only to find John Barrowman outside. I asked him if he needed a lift somewhere and he said yes. We drove to his destination, he was very nice and chatty. I didn't ask him for an autograph.

When I stopped the car I asked him for a hug and a kiss. He laughed but was very willing. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and got out of the car. He shut the door and then leaned through the open window and gave me the most beautiful half/friendly kiss on the lips.

Vividness, urgh. Damn his gorgeous gay self.

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