Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Captain Jack's Gloves

Kirby and I had decided to get away from America, for some reason we couldn't stay there any longer. Instead we decided to go to Mexico. We got a bus and as we crossed the boarder everyone's faces changed, they all looked Mexican but it was all of a sudden. We saw that we were in Mexican territory and rejoiced.

We explored for a little while enjoying our new found freedom.

We then realised that our pursuer had caught up with us. It was Captain Jack, hell bent on capturing us and taking us back to the states. We weren't entirely sure what we'd done. We hid in a toilet cubicle and saw through the crack in the door various people walk in and out of the toilets. Fear shot over us when Jack walked in. We exited out hiding place and ran. A car pulled up alongside us it was Mike Novic (from 24) we knew he was working with Jack.

He assured us that he wanted to help. We jumped in his car and drove off. Jack stood at the side of the road, he looked angry. I took in his usual airforce attire and noticed he was wearing really nice leather gloved too. Kirby had also noticed, "I like his gloves," she said.

With that, Jack threw his gloves at the car in frustration. We knew we'd have to get them. Mike stopped the car and we darted out to grab the gloves. We could only get one before Jack started shooting at us.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Zachary Quinto, a waiter, Embo, my mum and Liam Neeson.

I was with a group of people I tweet with, except that's not quite what I do with them but for the purpose of the dream they were my Twitter friends. Zachary Quntio, Embo Parko, Lucie Walker and my Mum. Our group was being led by Liam Neeson.

We sat down to get some lunch and a waiter joined us. Embo took a shine to him straight away. She pulled him to sit next to her. He looked awkward and uncomfortable so moved to sit on the table. But he was toonear the food I was about to eat so Mum pushed him back onto the chair next to Embo.

We all were chatting and eating. I needed the loo so went with Mum, the cleaner was in there on his hands and knees cleaning. He said it was okay for us to come in. Margaret was also there. She makes cakes and is a friend of my mother's. Lovely lady. Just hanging out in the loos...

We got back to everyone and I decided to explore. I let Liam know where I was going. I then went to look at some handbags. They were on a huge technological revolving carosel that was only allowed to be operated by staff. There were various categories. It was currently on laptop bags. Great, I needed one. Someone then came along and changed it to nappy bags. Less exciting. I continued to explore and bumped into the old head teacher from the highschool I went to. Mr. Munson. He was getting really excited about an iPhone game. I told him I'd download it and left.

Got back to the group. Embo was still pursuing fit, awkward waiter. I sat with Zachary Quinto and began chatting. It was as if I knew him. A few drinks later, needed the loo. Cleaner man was still in there but messing about. He laughed, I went to the loo.

When I came out I saw Zachary Quinto walking towards me. It was then I realised that he wasn't him any more. He was Sylar. He came towards me, looking at me from under those beautiful eyebrows. I was a bit scared. He pushed me onto the floor and climbed ontop of me between my legs. In the middle of the hall!

I can't remember what he said to me but he proceeded to kiss me. It was one of those terribly vivid dreams. I could feel him kissing me, stubble and all. I could also feel how slim he was. I ran my hands down his sides, could feel the texture of his shirt and where it was tucked into his trousers. I could feel hip bones, a belt. I physically opened my eyes and could see him. I was half awake trying desperately to hold onto the image.

It went on for a while, beautiful. I then woke up. My lips were dry as if I'd been kissing someone stubbly.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Kirby, Matt Smith and a bonfire

Now, as I decided to write this dream it slipped from my head. I'm going to write down the only snippet that remains incase the rest comes back.

I was hanging out with Matt Smith, the new Doctor. There was a reason I just can't remember what it was. My friend Kirby had asked me to get her his autograph. I thought I'd do one better so I got him to call her. I said, "go on pretend to be the Doctor."

He screwed up his face and put the ringing phone to his ear, "no," he said with a laugh.

I laughed too as if I'd been joking even though I hadn't been.

I was then with Kirby, Ben and Matt (double date?) in a big green caravan thing watching some fire works. Something really interesting happened/was said but I can't remember what.

We were clearly in America so Ben and I flew back. From our ACTUAL, real life America trip we'll get back at 8am Sunday morning to get straight back to work on the Monday. I got in the car to drive home from Heathrow, thinking 'urgh, work tomorrow.' I looked at the date and it was Saturday! Yay.