Monday, 14 September 2009

Star Trek Dreams

So last night, as a result of too much beer and cheese I had the following dream.

I was sitting down to watch Star Trek TOS with Ben and sort of got immersed in the first episode. Kirk, as in new Kirk, was on this desert planet watching a drill go down into the surface to dig up some chains. We saw the chains all rusty and Kirk was pulling them around talking about how they may have been used to chain some huge alien hundreds of years ago.

The ground then collapses and Kirk falls through, the next thing is I am in this huge room looking through the eyes of one of my characters, Tain. There is a man talking and although I cannot remember what he was saying I know he was scheming. It then cuts to Kirk, old Kirk, sitting in the Captain's chair waiting for something.

I, as Tain, walk through to a place and sit down against a wall. Next to me is William Riker and I get a bit excited. At a console not far from us is a lady all dressed in white with electricity sparking from her. Next Ian Holme walks in (obviously playing some character) dressed in a long, dark robe. After a few words he points at Riker, they exchange a heated discussion before the following:

"I know you, Doctor!"

I'm like, woah, Riker is the Doctor? Riker stands and faces the shorter man, he explains how this is far on in his timeline and for him after Enterprise D then before he can even do anything time lordy Ian Holme walks up to him and places a hand on his shoulder. Purple shoots through Riker's body and Ian Holme says "Now when you try to hurt someone you will know their pain."

There's a fight and every time Riker fights back he is hurt. Electricity lady joins in. Finally Riker is floored and the room, full of what I expect were new recruits, clears. I, Tain, stay there and when the fight is over I stand and approach Ian Holme. Despie being on the Doctor's side I invite him to sit down with me behind some curtains to eat some food. All the while I can still see electricity lady flashing through the thin material of thr curtains.

Someone mentions heading to Earth to pick up the Enterprise.

Cut to Enterprise A, Kirk is sitting in the Captain's seat and Spock rushes to sit beside him. Instead of it being the conventional layout Kirk's and Spock's seats are one large seat. Like a Captain / First officer sofa. There is something wrong with the ship, it is intermittently losing power but the computer can't understand that there is anything wrong. Kirk and Spock take manual control to try and stop the ship from crashing into a nearby planet. Kirk's right hand grip's Spock's left knee tightly as they try and pull the ship upwards. There is a flicker of power and the engines kick in and they fly away from the planet safely.

1 comment:

Hayzee three steps ahead ! said...

Love u, but love ya nutty dreams even more.... x