This dream was hilarious, it makes little sense but my dreams probably aren't supposed to be coherent. So, there I am in my old school, yet it didn't look anything like a school, I had to put makeup on Ben for another photographer to take photos of him, which was a little bit weird. There was also a big issue about me hiding my shoes from the teachers because they were my Louboutin shoes which have a red sole and apparently aren't allowed.
I was then with a load of old school friends, Adele, Helen, Katy etc and we were standing on a gravel track just off a main road. On the otherside of the road was a proper old school car, done up beautifully with flames, a proper rock car. In it was an old, quite good looking, rocker guy. Soon a load of other done up cars came to join him and they then all went roaring off into the forest.
I'm standing with Adele and chatting when Vernon Kay comes through the trees and grabs out attention. He needs us to follow him to get to boot camp. At this point I am feeling a bit worried because of how unfit I am I didn't want to have to run around in the mud chanting. We come out into this HUGE open field it is lovely and there is a food and sweet stand at one side. There are tents set up for us.
Adele and I choose a tent and sit ourselves down under a parasol, I took off my Louboutins and put all my stuff in the tent. Adele and I chilled out for a bit under our parasol, we then got some food, it was lovely.
There was a holodeck in this field, strangely. I went over to assist and as a Star Trek fan was a bit overwhelmed as I started to work alongside Riker, Data and Laforge. Something was wrong with the holodeck and there were some gas canisters about to go off unless the door to the holodeck was shut. For some reason it was jammed and we had to work to get it shut, as the gas from the canisters began to leak out Wesley Crusher came along, did something and the doors closed stopping the gas from getting into our boot camp.
I decided that as the crisis was averted that I could head back to my tent and chill out under the parasol. Adele had gone off so I was left to my own devices for a while, I was still a bit flustered from the whole Star Trek incident so I thought I'd sort out a big pile of Star Trek slash that I'd been writing. It was a big wedge of paper and it needed putting into a plastic wallet to stop it from creasing. So there I was having a bit of a fight with a plastic wallet and lots of paper. I was sitting on the ground leaning on a small wooden table.
Something distracted me and I looked away from my paper for a moment, when I looked back towards my paper I was surprised to see Commander Riker crouched down next to me, really close. So there I was with Star Trek slash which I knew contained a very graphic Riker / Worf scene, I hoped to god that nothing like it was mentioned in the page that was on top.
Riker tapped the pile of paper, "you know, you'd do brilliant at Star Fleet academy," he knew the papers were about Star Trek. I was, understandably, flustered he then spoke again, something about Worf, then left. I don't recall what he said but I remember thinking that he knew that I had been writing slash.
Then I woke up, squiggled to hell.
My mind is fucked up.
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