Thursday, 28 August 2008


Tomorrow I get to see my darling Dave! I can't wait to see her, to meet the family, the pups and the kids. We are also getting ink, Davey is having a bit of a crisis so her tat will be a nice surprise. However, I can tell you that I shall have an anchor on my foot on a few days.

Much awesome.

Sunday, 24 August 2008

On my DA site I was looking for a name for this pic. I wanted the name for a sheep like 'Feline', 'Canine' etc. I asked my bloke what it was and he advised 'Ovine' I googled and it was correct. Turns out he knew this from watching Family Guy.

The world works in mysterious ways.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

I'm not a happy bunny

Begin: Rant

I bidded for a job on Odesk a few days ago, got a speedy reply from the person who posted the job. Basically what it was for was a Social Networking Marketeer for a US music artist, I thought 'Great!' such a perfect job for me as it is where all my experience lies. I've worked with loads of bands on myspace and was part of an epic promotional campaign for which took place on social networking sites.

So to cut a long story short, I was perfect, qualificationwise for what she needed. I could've made her massive.

So I got a reply and she said I was perfect for the post. Fabulous! She proceeded to ask me questions and I replied. I gave her a list of bands I have worked with. And here they are:

Nicolai Prowse
The Upraw
Into Flight (although not directly, through Pit Viper)
Fuck Buttons
The Alive

Good bands. Yes? Well I think so. Note MY band Fuck Buttons. Fab band. ( )

So I tell her about these bands, notice that she is Christian so go into all the Christian music stuff with the Ultimate Showcase and Kairos etc. Then all my skills and knowledge of the social networking scene, the people, what I've done, how I rock etc.

I get an email back. I was quite offended, she got the completely wrong idea of me.

" I see you're agnostic. How would you be able to confidently represent an artist who is totally not that? "

I then explained my interpretation of Agnostic, basically that I believe in a god but am open minded enough to not pigeonhole myself. Maybe I was a bit politer.

She also then told me that the copy for her site and things is written to reflect her, this means now cursing etc. Fair enough, I swear in my day to day life. However... I am a professional. I replied to that little quip like so:

"When it comes to my writing and promotion I am a professional. I know target markets and I know that yours is not one that I would target the same as a punk band. I have done enough market research on the music scene to know who likes what and what sort of people respond to certain wording and literacy."

I wouldn't swear in any of her copy, it's completely different to my fashion writing. It's the same as how I wouldn't swear in my writing where I describe grammar styles yet may do in my comedy writing. Target markets!

She then writes:

"No cursing, swearing, no black websites, no violence. After looking over the mySpace pages you've done, In all honesty, I would not feel comfortable having my name or my music associated, even indirectly, with a group called Fuck Buttons or bands that do songs like You Brought a Knife to a Gunfight. Please understand I am not judging either the musicians or the music -- it's simply not the kind of energy that I want, even inadvertently, associated with me or my music."

I got her to clarify "Black" websites, she meant the colour, thankfully. I also don't know which band has that song title but it's not exactly something I agree with or practice! And the name FuckButtons, fair enough a little obscene in the swearing sense but we are the most light hearted band out of the list.

Basically after I sent my email back she replied saying that we would not be the right fit for one another. As you can see I am annoyed. She is a good artist, fantastically, relaxing and melodic but her attitude to promotion is ridiculous.

Am I being weird here? I am totally out of line letting this annoy me?

I don't get it.

I can't believe that with all my experience that 'bad energy' is my downfall.


Friday, 15 August 2008

I have a DSLR!!

Go me.

A Canon EOS 450d. Granted, it is only an entry level DSLR but I don't love photography enough (yet) to spend £10,000 on a camera. For what I do this is ace. There is so much you can change, maniplate, play with etc. Just need to do a photoshoot. I've got laods of models to use but none are free tonight so I am going to see if Vicki (see post below; she throws things at me XD) is free. If she is then yhey new model!

I have taken a few photos of Sam, a couple of myself and a couple of Ben but I'm still experiementing. Getting used to the beauty of this piece of machinery!

*is excited*


Thursday, 14 August 2008

I caught something

It has been an ongoing joke that when Vicki, at work, throws something across the desk to me I drop it or just let it hit my hand with no catching invloved.

I thought you might all like to know that I caught the Pritstick today!
Go me.

Sam's first shoot using my Camera Phone!

Rubbish pics but at least you get to see him. I am embarking on the quest for a Canon 450d today. Much yheys.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Sam is here!

Samael my Dollzone Sheep is here!

Although I'm somewhat pissed off because I can't find my camera charger anywhere *goes insane* it's a fucking nightmare because I want to take photos of the beautiful boy.

I've taken some on my phone and will upload those tonight although they will be small and shit but you will get to see him being gorgeous.

Hot sheepeh!


Saturday, 9 August 2008

I miss them but maybe we are better off.

Okay so I miss The Darkness. A huge deal to be honest it still makes me sad.

However, maybe we are better off now. We have The Stone Gods who are the epitome of wonderful, proper, rock. And then we have Justin, beautifully glam and rocking!. The two most wonderful parts of The Darkness in seperate entities.

That's double to music isn't it...


Anyways. Back to beer and slash.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Poor Sebastien

My first doll, my 28cm Obitsu! His head doesn't fit. Poor boy. Bandmate is going to attempt to rescue the situation alter after she had visited her Grandma.

Fingers crossed.

Oh and I have no MSC!

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

This is ridiculous

I've never felt so demotivated. Feel sleepy, want to do some writing but no one wants me.
Ggrr x

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Okay so I bought the sheep.

He'll be with me by this time next week hopefully. Air mail takes 6 days. Will probably be sent tomorrow. God i hope he gets here soon. He'll probably be here before Sebastien now. Or at least he'll arrive at the same time Seb gets to Davey's.

I'm going to leave his face up for now because A, I don't have any stuff. B, I don't know what to do. So yeah Sam will be faceless until the end of August. It's a shame really because I'm going to want to be taking photos of him as soon as he arrives.

I got him from the Czech DZ dealer VillemoArt. The seller has been lovely all along and shipping was only 10euros. Yay.

I was looking at buying my Mo from a marketplace seller on DOA, I think she was from Texas. I enquired about shipping and it would've been $180 just for her to send it. Ricockulous. Plus he'd get stuck at customs no doubt.

So my Mo will proabably come from the UK dealer, no shipping to pay and no customs charges. UK FTW.

Enough now, I need to clean the house.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Stoopid new hobby.

I want this and I want it now:

£86 without clothes or faceup.

Look at him he's a fucking sheep.
Seriously how do you beat the awesomeness of that. He's only like 16cm tall but he'll go so well with Seb and when I go and see my Davey we can do his faceup and plat with the boys. He'll be called Samael or Sam for short because he's a devil worshiping sheep and Samael is one name for the devil. Although pentagram doesn't denote devil worship because it's a Christian thing. Can I handle that kind of inconsistancy?
