Thursday 13 March 2008

Work and Play in one post.

I have to go to work today and I’m not looking forward to it. It’s a dull and unrewarding job and I hate it. Yet I’m reluctant to get another becayuse waht’s the point in going from one rubbish job to another. I should wait for an awesome job to come along rather than getting settled into something else I know I’ll dislike. I’m doing promotions for a wonderful Photography company but i’m on my feet all day on sites that don’t have enough footfall for me to earn big. Plus the manager is a wanker.

If anyone comes across the perfect job for me. Events or A&R or something then let me know.

On a happier note: I ordered Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii a few days ago and it should be here today. Yay. I also ordered Zoo Tycoon for the DS. I’ve gone Nintendo mad. I was also doing the missions of Mario and Sonic Olympic games last night and trying to do the table tennis on it. It’s so so hard. Let me know if you have the same issues with it or if I’m doing something wrong. Bowser doesn’t do backhands very well, stupid dinosaur.

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