Sunday 16 March 2008

Eerie sounds

I was walking from my car to work this morning and I could hear what sounded like children shouthing and laughing. It go louder and louder the closer I got to work but not once did I see anyone and it was hard to make out what was being said. No one was around and it was windy so perhaps it was the wind blowing through the trees but anyway it was very scary.

I love eerie stuff like that but when I was alone I was somewhat scared.

On a gaming note:

I got Sonic and the Secret Rings. Very hard. Wiimote is held sidways and you tilt backwards and forwards for speed. Then wiggle it around for various moves. I've only played an hour of it and it's tough getting used to it but it looks wonderful and is very very fast. Fabulous.

And Zoo Tycoon. I'm struggling with this, those damn animals are never happy I've completed the tutorials and now two of the Scenarios. Also tough and a bit dull. Tutorials are rubbish so I'm just getting the hang of it. Obviously graphics aren't wonderful because it's on the DS but gameplay isn't that bad but the interface in quite confusing. However I played for about two hours and wasn't bored. Sim games are addictive.

On a literary note:

From Blue to Black - Joel Lane. I'm 4 chapters in and I don't know quite what to think yet. The writing is very samey when talking about the music that the band are playing just using similar adjectives and similes to describe and it's starting to annoy me somewhat. Written in first person from the POV of Daivd the bass player of the band Triangle. He's sleeping with the vocalist Karl, hottness in that sense but I'm finding it hard work. I'll let you know what I think when I finish the book. Shouldn't judge it quite yet.

It seems similar to anyone writing about made up bands in a roleplay or fanfiction. I can read that online. A book is published, surely because it's a bit different than everything else. Obviously not. Maybe it's the abusive childhood of Karl's that reminds me of all the roleplayers that have Uke characters that have been abused and cry a lot. Fucking Emo.

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