Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Sixteen Things

Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 8 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1. I can point out most of the differences between the Lord of the Rings Books and Films.

2. I collect Expensive Asian Ball Jointed Dolls.

3. Men kissing one another is so hot.

4. Girls kissing one another is hot, although not quite as hot as men kissing.

5. I have a MENSA worthy IQ

6. I have no geographical knowledge what so ever.

7. If I have a glass or mug or something I drink from it has to line up with where I put it. For example a pint glass on beer mat has to either be exactly central or flush with the corners.

8. I can wire a car stereo, speakers, sub and amp.

9. I know far too much about old Audi Quattros (*wants*)

10. I am going to work in the music industry full time and show everyone that it isn't a stupid dream, I'm gonna fucking do it and a bit of support would be nice sometimes.

11. You've Been Framed makes me cry with laughter.

12. Despite being a rocker I LOVE dance and electro music.

13. Despite loving cars and loving my car I am a shit driver. Women drivers, yup that's me. I think I need to get an Audi Quattro *nod nod*

14. I am never going to meet a celebrity that I am a fan of ever again simply because I have met many a famous person and the only one who didn't break my heart was Gene Simmons (and that was because I expected him to be an amazingly alluring, womanising cock).

15. At school I competed in the Norfolk Wildlife quiz, we got to the finals and lost.

16. I am SERIOUSLY opposed to fox hunting so don't get me started.

Cristy - Because she Tagged me.
Bethan - Because she's my sister Out-Law!!!!
Davey - Because she is interesting and weird
Jobes - Because she is so spooky that she pees Darkness
Loubles - Because Louby is a cool weirdo music creature, like me.
Mike - Because, although we talk alot about music I don't feel like I know him!
Sasha - Because she was my best friend at school and I miss her.
Dan - Just because.