Thursday 29 May 2008

Christopher Moore

Argh on a post frenzy today and no one even reads this shit. Anyways Book/ author Review.

Christopher Moore.
American Author I believe. I bought two of his books by juding them by their cover. First 'Fluke' then 'Coyote Blue'. Enter the world of the surreal, magical and pure wonderful. Fluke is about Whales but they are not as they seem. Coyote Blue is harder to explain, just read it you won't be disappointed.

Now I am reading "A dirty job". And I'm in love, not only with Moore's wonderfully humourous and tongue in cheek writing style but also with the Antagonist Charlie Asher, you'd think simple second hand salesman, but no. I also love his Daughter Sophie and her Hellhounds.

Although i haven't finished it yet I urge you to read it. You will not be disappointed. I've laughed, I've cried and I'm reading to read my fourth Moore book 'Lamb' after this. Although I don't wish to leave Charlie Asher behind.


Bengal Cats.

These are beautiful cats.I'm very tempted by one for when I get a new house. Pretty cat! Although pedigree is so expensive. I;m loathed to pay for a cat when I could rescue one and it not cost me anything.

I love Paris Hilton. She's awesome. Hot too. I'm watching the simple life, she's really cool. I dunno why people have such a negative opinion of her.


I have started a fantastic roleplay. Wonderful storyline that myself and my roleplay partner have constructed. A medieval fantasy setting a sort of quest thing looking for these six keys. The King that sends out characters off wants to use these keys to summon a godly being for a war he wants to start. Very fun. Woo good roleplay.

Although my hopes are occasionally shattered when I tell someone about a plot or roleplay i want and they either say "Oh I'm going to sleep" or "Oh I have to go to school now" I wish they'd just tell me they aren't interested.

Friday 23 May 2008


Derren Brown is a witch

My inspiration for makeup.

You never know someone might be interested.
Just a couple as my internet connection is messing around.

Sunday 11 May 2008

Music Stuff - Press Release Services.

For a music blog I think it's quite devoid of music stuff so here we go.

Through working for Pit Viper Music I've gained a love for music marketing and writing all over again. So I am offering my services to those who need them.

You don't have to pay me all I ask is that if you think I've done a good job tell your friends and if you want to give me some money for the writing/marketing I do for you then you can. Obviously if I get money I'd be able to devote more of my time to the task as I'm swapping jobs at the moment and things are a bit hectic and money is tight.

So if you need Press Releases, Bios, Reviews, Press Liasion, Promotion or anything else then I can probably be of assistance.

If you need some writing examples then have a look at under the username Jettica.

Thanks all
Jet x